Holmes Ives
In Love & Light vol. II
The Story
When Ives had completed ‘In Love & Light vol I’ there was still more to say with the power of song and so began volume two. Ives found it a challenge to conceive following up volume one as it was his greatest musical achievement to date… what if volume two doesn’t measure up? Like a sibling the albums resemble each other but they are different in both scope and feel as the sound of volume two reaches into a more melodic and layered place. We think Ives met the mark but maybe comparing the two isn’t really what should be done but to enjoy the healing gift of each as their own special collection of heart songs.
Ives brought a new Vocalist ‘Dominique’ to the project as Ives was struck by her Toriesque qualities. She is featured in ‘Enough’ and ‘From Now On’ which are both stunning tracks on the album. Ives also introduced Angeli Murthy to the series as Ives had just produced her solo album and was enamored with her voice and talents and felt she had ‘that sound’ the series needed. Angeli can be found on ‘Santoora’ and ‘The Impossible’. Ives had the pleasure of meeting Yoko K and they collaborated ass he requested to sing on the title track of volume one which was at the time an instrumental. Taken aback as the song was finished and perfect in the eyes of Ives he relented non the less and a ‘reprise’ was born perfectly fitting as track one for volume two. We see a return of the talented Susan Oetgen on the tango ‘La Verdad’ and Laura Burhenn on ‘Solaris’ as well as Loulou of Thievery Corporation and Sophie Moleta from the Sophie & Ives project. As for the musicians a stand up bass player by the name of Mathew Lewis, player for the Jette-Ives project, was brought on board and can be heard on many songs as well as his classical guitar playing on ‘Enough’ and Solaris. Introduced is Devesh Nirmul on viola, santoor and tambour as well as Rob Myers from Thievery corporation playing Sitar on ‘Bandustani’. Winston Yu brought his expert viola to ‘Santoora’ and we hear Rex Riddem and Kelly Cornelius bring the hand percussion to the beat. Amy Domingues is heard again with her haunting cello throughout the album.
There are whispers that a volume three is in the works and this will in the end be a trilogy… come back if you are a fan and are wanting for more.
Album Artwork